How to read cracking the coding interview?

The first thing your interviewer will be asked is whether the hasWon function will be given to you directly
once or several. If called repeatedly, you can get very fast algorithm
Focus n. 1: if it is often called hasWon

There are only 3 A 9, or about twenty miles of tic-tac-toe boards. Then we can represent our
tic-tac-toe board as an int, with each digit indicating a piece (0 means Empty, 1 means
Red, 2 means Blue).  how to read cracking the coding interview We set up a hash table or edit in advance with all possible boards like
keys, and the values are 0,1 and 2. Our function is simply:
int hasWon (int bord) {

Hashtable back winner [dash];



Focus n. 2: If you have Won't be called only once

1 piece of enumeration {empty, red, blue};

2 enumeration check {Row, Column, Diagonal, ReverseDiagonal}


4 pieces getIthColor (piece [] [] board, int index, int var. Verify verification) {

5 if (check == Check.Row) return board [index] [var];

6 others if (check == Check.Column) return board [var] [index];
else if (check == Check.Diagonal) return board [var] [var];

8 more if (mark == Check.ReverseDiagonal)

9 folding tables [bord.length - 1 - var] [var];

10 pieces Empty laps;
Let's look at an example to see how it works: Suppose num = 26. In the first loop,
count how many multiples of five there are by making 26/5 = 5 (those multiples are 5,10,15,
20 and 25). In the next cycle, we count how many multiples of 25 there are: 26/25 = 1 (this
multiple is 25). So we see that we get a zero of 5,10,15 and 20, and two zeros of
25 (notice how it was counted twice in the loops). Therefore, 26! It is zero.


»This is a bit of a brain teaser, but can be approached logically (as shown above). You
you can think exactly what will add zero and whatever
find a solution. Again, be very clear on your rules in advance so that you can
implement this correctly.
The computer has four slots containing red (R), yellow (Y), green (G), or
gorm (B). For example, the computer may have RGGB (that is, slot # 1 is red, slots # 2 and
# 3 is green, slot # 4 is blue).

You, the user, want to measure the resolution. For example, you could guess YRGB.
If you guess
it's a flush but in the wrong slot, you get a "mock hit". For example, him
I assume that YRGB has 2 hits and 1 false hit.

For each guess, you are told the number of hits and mock hits.

Write a method that gives, returns the conjecture and solution, the number of hits and
false hits.
NOTE: If the matrix contains all negative numbers, what is the correct behavior? With¬
Consider this simple series {-3, -10, -5}. It could be argued that
the maximum sum is: (A) -3 (assuming the suffix cannot be empty)
(B) 0 (suffix length 0) or (C) MINIMUMJNT (essentially error
case). We choose option B (maxsum = 0), but there is no "correct" answer. SEO
this is a great way to discuss this with your interviewer to show how careful you are.
The first question to ask your interviewer is if you only want to ask one question.
a word ("single question") or if you can, in the end, use the same method with many
different words ("repeating questions")? I mean, do you want a frequency of "dog",
Or could it ask for "dog" and then "cat", "mouse", etc.?
Note that each call of rand2 () and the corresponding decision you make can be illustrated
planted by a decision tree. At each node, you have two branches. You take the one on the left when
rand2 () is equal to 0 (which occurs with probability 1/2). You take the correct one when rand2 ()
equal to 1 (which occurs with a probability of 1/2). You keep branching left and right as you go
keep calling 1/2. When it hits a sheet, it returns 1, 2, or 3 (for rand3 () re¬